We take great pleasure in introducing to you, Word of Grace Christian Center, a place where dreams are built! |
Other Ministry Opportunities:
Corporate Prayer and Fasting every Wednesday
Men’s Meeting – 1st Saturday of month at 8:30 am
Women’s Meeting – 1st Saturday of month at 10 am
Our Foundation Scripture:
Acts 20:32 - And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
Our Vision: Knowing Him to demonstrate the Kingdom of God with Wisdom, Excellence and Power
Our Motto: A Place Where Dreams Are Built
Our Mission:
To Know Him and Help Others to Know Him
Our Message:
* God Loves You - John 3:16
* God Has a Plan for Your Life - Jeremiah 29:11
* Doesn't Matter What You’ve Done - Romans 3:23
* Receive Him Today - Luke 19:9-10
Our Mandate: Make Our City the House of God
WOGCC Core Values:
* To Know Him
* Know Him in His Love
* Know Him and Understand His Word
* Know Him in His Power
Our Motto: Each One - Reach One - Every Day
Our Confession Statement:
Father, according to the Word of God, I believe that You add to our church daily.
I believe that we receive no less than 30 new members this month. I believe that we
we receive no less than 360 new members this year. I believe the Word of God in our
church has so increased that believers are multiplied greatly at Word of Grace Christian
Center. I thank you that we operate successfully three services each Sunday morning
and people stand in line to hear the Word of God. Father, I trust that our church
congregation represents heaven and we have people from all walks of life, nationalities,
ethnic origins and races. Father, I thank you that our church is full of millionaires and
people from every vocation of life. I thank you that our church growth is an example of
the “Hand of God” in this city. I believe I receive what I say and what I pray NOW!